In December 2023 KVR has dedidcated the 178th One Synth Challenge to Vaporizer2!
It's a friendly music competition where you can win cool prizes but most importantly, meet amazing musicians, and learn a lot about mixing, sound design, and more! :)
You can find the amazing results that have been created with Vaporizer2 here on Soundcloud:
KVR One Synth Challenge #178: Vaporizer2 by Vast Dynamics
In December 2023 KVR has dedidcated the 178th One Synth Challenge to Vaporizer2!
It's a friendly music competition where you can win cool prizes but most importantly, meet amazing musicians, and learn a lot about mixing, sound design, and more! :)
You can find the amazing results that have been created with Vaporizer2 here on Soundcloud: